+49 941 85099600 info@optware.de

Digitization pays off with us

Intelligize core processes
Reliable implementation
Optimize your competitiveness

Optimization - a company task

Master complexity
Optimization along the entire process chain
Deliver better decisions

25 years of experience

Continuous growth in owner-managed company
Over 9000 active users worldwide
Mathematical expertise coupled with in-depth process knowledge

Future-proof tools

Get the best algorithms in optimization
Long-term high investment in internal R&D
Integrating AI and quantum computing

Pioneer Quantum Computing

Research with leading institutions
Expert consulting on quantum computing
Develop quantum solution approach

Turnkey software solutions

Binding deadline and budget commitments
Integration into existing system landscapes
The entire project from conception to maintenance from a single source


Optimal decision support with our planning systems

Creating a precise database

We prepare your data infrastructure for planning and control systems. Effective analysis and visualization solutions simplify data management and monitoring.

Optimized for everyday’s business

With our deeply integrated and easy-to-use planning tools, thousands of planners in the automotive industry make better decisions every day.

Top algorithmic performance

We find suitable mathematical models for every business situation. To do this, we develop algorithms with hybrid AI and optimization approaches and create quantum readiness.

Smooth IT-processes and operations

We offer maximum 24/7 support and service our solutions worldwide.

The OptWare building block chain

Ensuring project success through early analysis and stakeholder feedback

60% to 70% of IT projects fail for avoidable reasons

Often, objectives and priorities are unclear at the start of the project, so that in quite a few cases the project has to be redefined and restarted several times. During runtime, confusion arises regarding roles, responsibilities, and available resources.

In addition, budget and time estimates are often ill-founded, forcing project management to re-prioritize and possibly make quick wins. The actual objective is lost sight of and the project is a failure.

Pre Sales clearly captures the problem

At the outset, it is important to identify the fundamental problems, determine appropriate goals, and understand the framework.

In addition, reasonable solution approaches from similar projects are roughly evaluated for their fit.

To this end, we hold intensive discussions with users and decision-makers at various levels.

Solutions are tested in workshops

The analysis and optimization of core processes are highly individual projects. Therefore, any estimates of realistically expected benefits as well as costs and time are vague at best.

For a more in-depth analysis, we offer workshops to clarify requirements and validly determine costs and benefits. Usually we provide a proof of concept and develop executable prototypes or Minimum Viable Products (MVP), e.g. a first executable AI or optimization algorithm with a simple user interface.

Realistic offers for successful projects

Die Ergebnisse aller bisherigen Lösungen werden für die Stakeholder aufbereitet und dienen als belastbare Entscheidungsgrundlage. In der Präsentation der Ergebnisse werden Rückmeldungen erhoben, welche unmittelbar in das Angebot einfließen.

Unsere Angebote beinhalten zudem einen umfassenden Projektplan sowie Anforderungen an Ressourcenverfügbarkeit auf Kundenseite in den einzelnen Phasen. Somit werden unnötige Wartezeiten während der Projektlaufzeit minimiert.

The project provides benefits at every stage

During this phase, implementation and integration into the customer’s IT environment plays a central role in our work. This includes the new development or the adaptation of existing models and processes to the specific needs in the future application.

In our projects, we work in an agile manner as a matter of principle. We continuously generate functionality and incorporate feedback. Thus, we ensure that our complex solutions can be applied in daily operations even without deep expertise in AI and optimization.

Support and maintenance

Finally, the developed software is put into operation and we provide up to 24/7 support for any questions or problems that may arise. Furthermore, our focus is on the constant further development and adaptation of the software to new circumstances in order to always be up to date. If necessary, we uncover further potential and start again with a pre-sales evaluation to ensure optimal performance.

Our Business Units

Our organization is consistently aligned with their work processes

Automation, Business and industrial process workflow optimisation, software development concept on virtual screen.

Mathematical Modeling and Optimization

Wir beherrschen die komplexesten Planungsprozesse und schließen die Lücke im Wissen des Kunden über mathematische Optimierungsalgorithmen und deren korrekte Anwendung.

Unsere Kunden betrauen uns mit ihren kritischen Kernprozessen.


Digital software development concept

Planning Software and Operations

Wir konzipieren, gestalten und entwickeln moderne Software für Ihr Unternehmen und unterstützen Sie dort, wo Sie einzigartig sind.

Definierte Schnittstellen zu Standardsoftware und individuelle Ablösung lokaler Insellösungen durch zentral gehostete Lösungen gemäß Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen.


Business Analytics

Mit uns können Sie Ihre komplexen Datenstrukturen erfolgreich bearbeiten. Wir setzen die technologisch fortschrittlichsten Methoden ein, um das ganze Potenzial Ihrer Daten zu erschließen.

So können Sie auf einer soliden Grundlage die besten Entscheidungen treffen.



Current top performance is no guarantee of future success. We invest more than 8% of our turnover in researching new technologies in optimization, AI and software development, and cooperate with renowned universities and institutes.


We guide you through the necessary steps to find solutions for your issues in the area of production and logistics.

You benefit from our more than 20 years of experience with a wide variety of methods to master your challenges in the field of Industry 4.0 / 5.0.

Operations and Maintenance

Every day, more than 9000 active users worldwide trust our planning systems.

Our core planning system runs autonomously for more than 8 years.

For your safety, 24/7 support is available.

Become Part Of Our Team